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For Starters, Curious Minds & Creators


A Personal
10 Week Online Intensive Training

THE TRANSFORMATION CODE is a first of its kind personal growth and leadership programme based on cutting edge flow & neuroscience, developmental psychology and ancient wisdom.

Applied for leaders who want to live up to their potential, stay ahead of the curve and build bridges into a new era where human development, sustainability and profit become one.

It accelerates your ability to self-transform to become the leader serving others you want to be, but never allowed yourself to imagine before. Amplifies the qualities required to produce meaningful impact at scale.

Starting with self authoring & -transcendence, building trust, empathy, letting others grow with radical feedback.

Finally enabling group flow to re-imagine the business model, the culture and impact of your organization.

to realize up to: *


increase of sleep quality – deep & REM phase


less stress – and more wellbeing


more productivity – less working time and free weekends

53 %

more self-awareness and resonance


more self-efficacy and autonomy in leadership


higher likelihood of change of perspective and overcoming limiting beliefs – and less resistance to change

*based on feedback, research and results from over 400 training participants, using different measurement technologies including Surveys, Oura Ring, Muse, Fire of Life, Heart Math, Monroe institute and other cutting edge bio-, and neurofeedback resources.


Checkin into the eye of the storm

Check In and learn what “Trans-Formational Leadership” really means, how to outgrow your problems and to make sense where you are in this pivotal time.

Live your own deep transformational question(s)

Learn how to find the tensions, frictions and key conflicts arising in you on the map of change in relation to yourself, family, teams, organization, society, nature and the universe. Where is the lever to breakthrough and shift your world?

Meaning Making 3.0

Access the secrets and sense-making qualities of movers and shakers of all times. Beyond having a simple “why”. From being a Bodhisattva to the reality distortion fields of Steve Jobs and how to apply this for you in this VUCA Times.

Live and work from the Zone

High Flow Lifestyle.
Level up your Flow Channel and productivity up to 500% and learn like a sports professional and masters of any domain to pre to be at your best when it counts – without burning out.

Inspirations from on the mountain top

Decode the neuroscientific patterns of micro ecstatic practices of opening up to be inspired,  letting new perspectives in to solve your growth challenges with more ease, joy and effectiveness.

Use fear as a fuel of growth

Grow up by getting rid of self sabotaging beliefs and mindset, facing your deepest fears and integrating your shadow to let go and become more clear and connected to yourself than ever before.

Help others to expand

How to show up as a re-born leader. Learn to become more trusted, empathetic and radical in your feedback to let others get unstuck and grow. Access the field of group flow and co-creating impactful communities.

Lead like a corporate zen master

Become crystal clear in your mind, lead with more inner freedom from your higher self- the Big Mind- by transcending your shadows and integrating polarities into wise and compassionate decisions.

Define your Transformative Action Plan

Traction – Distraction is ACTION: Define your transformative calendar to manifest daily, weekly, monthly and yearly the person and leader you want to be. Starting here and now.

Integration & Manifestation

Time for deepening, reflecting on the previous modules and focusing on the most impactful actions to make a difference as human beings, leaders and citizens on this planet.



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    What’s included?


    Each week a new, liberating Code, each containing one leadership quality and one skill with associated scientific background. By combining all the skills and qualities, your mindset, fitness and leadership behavior will truly change.


    A new mindset only comes from new experiences. Every week you will receive a challenge for practical implementation and practice for your everyday life. The challenges are based on the minimum effort – maximum effect principle. Week by week you start to become the best version of yourself. As human and leader


    Through our neurofeedback tools, the breathing techniques of the Navy Seals, the secret protocols of top athletes, your feedback buddy, sharing your experience in an entrepreneur and CEO peer group and our mentors, we activate the neuroplasticity of your brain through intensive feedback and ensure step by step your transformation to the best version.

    The Program Elements__

    … accelerate your personal expansion, impact of serving others and being in flow while building bridges into a better future.

    The Baseline Check

    A detailed online check that shows your starting point, your transformative superpower and development potential.

    The weekly call

    Through a personal group zoom call in which Achim Feige conveys all the essential qualities, you have the opportunity to get your questions answered about the content. If you can not be there, the call will be recorded.

    Your Journal

    At the beginning you will receive your THE TRANSFORMATION CODE Journal, which includes exercises and weekly self-reflections that will help you rewrite your own growth story.

    The 24/7 Platform

    You can take your learning steps when, how and where you want. You have mobile and desktop access to Deep Dive videos and the latest research on any topic.

    The Support

    Through the combination of digital and analog “nudges” of the weekly calls, a feedback buddy, the mentoring groups and a digital hotline, we keep you “on track” when everyday life makes something else seem important.

    The Mindset

    Being and becoming a TRANSFORMATIVE LEADER is a mindset, or awareness of (life) leadership and not just a skill or behavior. It will help you to overcome your limits faster and to achieve what seems impossible from today’s point of view for you, your peers and employees.